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Wellbeing Workshop
At Fleet Service GB , we offer a comprehensive approach to driver management, focusing on driver training, continuous learning and risk management. A key element of our FSGB Driver Management solution starts with our onboarding process called Authority to Drive. Once an individual’s Driver Training level is assessed they are also invited to attend a Wellbeing Workshop.
What is the Wellbeing Workshop?
Driver error is inevitably a consequence of losing concentration and this may be for one of many reasons, including distraction, stress, and/or fatigue. Therefore, the Wellbeing Workshop is based around the four pillars of wellbeing (Fatigue, Stress, Hydration, Nutrition).
The common causes of an accident are also explored in this highly interactive workshop via a range of media, including video, PowerPoint and active attendee participation.
Who is the Wellbeing Workshop for?
Anyone who is required to drive as part of their job will benefit by attending the wellbeing workshop. Driving is a potentially dangerous activity; the workshop demonstrates a company’s absolute commitment to encourage its employees to participate fully in the FSGB Driver Management solution. Non-company drivers will also benefit hugely from this workshop.
Four Pillars of Wellbeing
- Fatigue
Sleep is the most important function in restoring us both physically and mentally; think of it as akin to recharging your mobile phone! In this section of the workshop, we will discuss sleep hygiene, sleep patterns, sleep stages and how to prepare for good quality sleep. We will also provide tips for ongoing improved sleep and reduced fatigue. - Stress
Understanding the basics of human physiology and how we react to stress is vital to stress management. This element of the workshop will major on how a person’s heart and brain connect to provide the ‘flight or fight’ response. These responses cloud the judgement and ability to make sound, safe decisions. Simple techniques will be learned and practised to ensure all delegates leave with the ability to better manage their stress. - Hydration
Poor hydration affects a person’s ability to think, concentrate and even sleep. We will explore how and why good hydration is key to human performance. - Nutrition
Food is fuel, and we are literally affected by what fuel we choose to put in the tank! We will explore how and why we make decisions about what we eat and make plans to change where appropriate. Some simple planning and a little knowledge will assist in improving individual performance along with our health and wellbeing.

An ability to collaborate and willingness to adapt is what makes Fleet Service GB unique in the industry.
Denise Hawkins, Fleet Manager, Stannah
Wellbeing Workshop Outcome
The workshop lasts for two hours and is for up to 12 delegates. All drivers will learn how to improve health and wellbeing, which will benefit them personally, in and out of work. Their improved performance will in turn will benefit the company.