Ask Andy

At Fleet Service GB, we understand the value in driver training and the positive impact it has on your workforce, wallet and wellbeing. But we appreciate not everyone is aware of the benefits, so, expert driver training consultant Andy Neale, is here to help with any questions you may have.




“Driver training is important to improve the safety of our drivers, but is it not more of a HR exercise than a financial benefit to the business?”
Pamela, finance manager


“Well, what a great question Pamela and I’ll answer by using a driver training quote which I used for the first time back in the mid-1980s! “The only hard and fast rule is, there no hard and fast rules.


Many years ago fleets were managed in their entirety by the Fleet Manager, but over the years the role has often been split out to a point when on one sales meeting, I began advising the ‘buyer’ that they would save a fortune on fuel if they took up my offer, for him to reply, “I’m not bothered by that, it’s not my department, I’m only interested in the CO2 savings!


So, these days we find ourselves talking to Fleet Managers, HR, H&S, Finance, Procurement, and even Environmental professionals, and the facts are all of the above should be taking up/organising training for their drivers, as they all own elements of the responsibility within their job role.


If you care to check out this page and scroll to the bottom, you will find a series of documents called ‘What’s in it for me’ and these expand on my answer above for each of the job functions mentioned; you may even want to download them and send them on to the appropriate colleague in your company. Perhaps even build a team internally to ensure you all benefit and your drivers become even better assets for the Company.”



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