Making service personal
The Stonehouse, Notton
0333 220 0501
Making service personal
The Stonehouse, Notton
0333 220 0501

Safe loading

If you carry anything in your vehicle for work, as the driver, you are responsible for the vehicle and any load while driving on the road, regardless of who loaded it.
As the driver you are required to ensure the load is secured to the vehicle so it cannot cause a danger to anyone.
Overloading changes the way a van handles – especially if the load is unsecure and will increase fuel consumption.
Consequences of poor load securing can result in death or serious injury, damaged reputation and prosecution.

Did you know:

  • Each year, DVSA issue over 2,000 prohibitions to drivers of vehicles which present a road safety risk because of poor load security.
  • Where a vehicle’s load is deemed to be in a dangerous condition, the driver can receive 3 penalty points and a licence endorsement.
  • Drivers and their employers can be fined up to £5,000 per overloading offence.

Best practice tips:

  • The load should be placed against the bulkhead to prevent the load sliding forward.
  • Heavy items should be stacked at the bottom and lighter items at the top.
  • All load restraints in use should be in good condition and appropriate for the load.
  • If any part of the load moves while driving, the driver should pull in a safe place to re-secure it.
  • The load should be loaded so its weight is distributed evenly across the vehicle.
  • The load should be stable and secured to prevent it sliding forwards and backwards or toppling over.


Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash