Making service personal
The Stonehouse, Notton
0333 220 0501
Making service personal
The Stonehouse, Notton
0333 220 0501

Fitness to Drive

Driving is the most dangerous work activity that most people do, and it contributes to far more work-related accidental deaths and serious injuries than all other work activities.


HSE’S Driving at Work Guidelines state that:


“Health and safety law applies to on-the-road work activities and the risks should be effectively managed within a health and safety system.”


This means you need to put in place policies, people, and procedures to enable you to understand:


  • How your organisation uses the road (the staff who do so, the vehicles they use and the journeys they make)
  • The risks this creates to your staff and other people
  • The potential consequences of those risks, and
  • The measures needed to manage and reduce these risks and consequences.


This will make your organisation more efficient and successful by helping you to:


  • Keep your employees and volunteers safe while at work
  • Protect other road users
  • Save money by reducing crashes and incidents
  • Reduce business interruptions
  • Avoid adverse publicity associated with crashes
  • Promote smoother driving which improves fuel efficiency and reduces environmental impact.


The Achieve Driver Continuous Learning programme will help towards achieving these goals. Once implemented, your drivers will be on a journey of continuous support and development, giving them the tools to recognise and understand changes in behaviour, the consequences which can occur, and a regular, personal programme of training which focuses on individual requirements; part of this training includes a wellbeing workshop. The data Achieve Driver Continuous Learning collates also gives your company the information required to monitor driver behaviour and intervene with corrective measures, keeping them safer whilst driving for work.


For more details, please get in touch.