Making service personal
The Stonehouse, Notton
0333 220 0501
Making service personal
The Stonehouse, Notton
0333 220 0501

Other road users

The Highway Code has changed to protect people who walk, cycle and ride horses. When overtaking motorcyclists, cyclists, horse riders, horse drawn vehicles and pedestrians in the road, allow them at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car.


Did you know?

  • In 2019, there were 60 fatalities involving vans and vulnerable road users.
  • 62% of cyclists killed or seriously injured were involved in collisions at, or near, a road junction.
  • Post collision, drivers could face financial claims from a vulnerable road user covering their loss of wages, medical expenses and any recovery treatment.

Best practice tips

  • Watch your speed.
  • Expect to encounter different road users i.e. horse riders in rural locations.
  • Be ready for others to make mistakes.
  • Do not get distracted by using a mobile phone while driving.
  • Concentrate on your driving.