Making service personal
The Stonehouse, Notton
0333 220 0501
Making service personal
The Stonehouse, Notton
0333 220 0501

Now even easier to book in-vehicle driver training

In-vehicle training for your drivers is a proven way to improve safety and reduce costs – evidence shows you can achieve over 10% in fuel savings after drivers complete the training. Drivers will be shown how to drive more efficiently, safely, and ultimately feel less stressed behind the wheel.

And we have now made the process of booking a driver onto a course, much easier through the Fleet Service GB Portal.

There are half day and full day sessions available, for the following training courses:
Fuel Save
Speed Awareness
UK Familiarisation
Post Incident
Trailer Towing
Vehicle Familiarisation
and also a general In-Vehicle Session, which is designed to be flexible in terms of content, depending on your requirements.

If your drivers are in the Achieve Driver programme you will have this facility available to you and bookings can be requested through the Fleet Service GB Portal.

If you’d like more information on how to join our Achieve Driver programme, further information or support, please contact