Making service personal
The Stonehouse, Notton
0333 220 0501
Making service personal
The Stonehouse, Notton
0333 220 0501

Driver App: Did you know? You can send an exact locationfor accidents and breakdowns

Our Driver App is brimming with functions and features – we continually update and improve the app, so there may be things you didn’t realise it could do.


Use the location finder to send us your exact location, on the Fleet Service GB Driver App

In the event of an accident or breakdown, you can notify the Fleet Service GB Service Support Team of your exact location, via the Driver App, getting the help you need, when you need it most.

To submit your location for an accident:

  • Open the Driver App
  • Select the purple ‘Accidents’ button on the homepage
  • Click ‘Report Accident’
  • Select ‘Do you require recovery?’
  • Location details will be displayed (please note, you will need to have the access to location turned on in your phone settings for this feature to work)
  • Your location is picked up via GPS but allows manual correction, if necessary
  • Submit your location, then call Fleet Service GB to continue the accident report