Making service personal
The Stonehouse, Notton
0333 220 0501
Making service personal
The Stonehouse, Notton
0333 220 0501

Live Driver Score – what is it?

The Live Driver Score (also referred to as My Score or Driver Rating) is a feature which helps to understand the type of driver you are. It monitors driving behaviour; any specific events which occur, such as training or accidents, will affect the score by awarding or subtracting points.

Different factors and parameters, decided by your company, will affect the score, and can include profile information, declarations, training modules, driving offences, vehicle maintenance records, crashes and telematics data.

The score is updated in real-time, as and when information is submitted or collated. You can access your current rating, as well as your ranking within a cost centre, driver type and company, via the Driver App or under the ‘History’ tab on the portal.

Actively participating in training is a great way to boost your Live Driver Score; so have a look at the e-learners available and positively impact your score.

How to find your Live Driver Score via the app: