Are you ready for winter driving?

  • CHECK your windscreen wipers and washers, window demisters and lights are working correctly
  • CHECK screen wash levels and use a 50% mix of good quality screen wash to reduce the chance of it freezing in frosty weather
  • CHECK your tyres – they should have good tread level, ideally at least 3mm of tread
  • CHECK the condition of your battery and anti-freeze levels
  • CHECK the fuel tank level, keep it at least a quarter full in case of unexpected delay
  • DO YOU HAVE A WINTER DRIVING KIT? Ice scraper, de-icer, jump leads, shovel, blanket, sunglasses to protect from winter glare, a torch, reflective jacket and old carpet to place under vehicle wheels to help regain traction on ice or snow


  • Driving in bad weather can be hard work; don’t drive if feeling tired
  • Make sure you can see clearly and be seen by others; clean your windscreen and clean your lights
  • Always adjust your driving to the conditions
  • Ensure your mobile phone is fully charged — you may need to alert friends, family, work colleagues, breakdown organisations and the emergency services to a problem or incident


  • Plan your journey in advance, check weather conditions — and question if your trip is essential
  • Use at least dipped headlights in poor visibility — don’t just rely on daytime running lights
  • Take food and drink with you and any regularly required medication
  • Keep to main roads where possible — minor roads may not have been treated. Avoid exposed routes particularly in high winds
  • Leave extra space between you and the vehicles ahead — stopping distances are greatly increased in wet and icy conditions
  • Don’t brake suddenly — it may lock your wheels and create a skid
  • Approach road junctions with extra caution, road markings may not be visible
  • Avoid driving through floods. If you have to, drive slowly, use a low gear, keep engine revs high and continuously move forward to avoid stalling. Test your brakes after driving through water
  • Be careful where you park. Park off road where possible — ‘hit whilst parked’ collisions are particularly common during icy conditions.



We also recommend completing our ‘Adverse Weather’ e-learner, which you can access via the app or hub.



Stay safe when driving in the winter months by being prepared. Snow, ice, high winds, heavy rain, mist and fog all make driving challenging and journeys take much longer.

This article is published in good faith without responsibility on the part of the publishers or authors for loss occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any views expressed therein.

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