Double cab pick-up tax government u-turn

The Government has performed a spectacular U-turn over its decision to treat double cab pick-ups as cars for taxation purposes by dropping the policy just seven days after announcing it – read the full story.     Photo by Sergio Rota on Unsplash

Save money or save lives? You don’t have to choose

A driver’s safety should never be compromised. But at what cost to your business?   Perhaps £9.60 return on every £1 invested? Maybe a 45.9% reduction in driver influenced costs? A possible 50% reduction in insurance claims? Potentially an 18.9% reduction in at fault accidents? *   Implementing a driver management programme is a cost, […]

Ask Andy

At Fleet Service GB, we understand the value in driver training and the positive impact it has on your workforce, wallet and wellbeing. But we appreciate not everyone is aware of the benefits, so, expert driver training consultant Andy Neale, is here to help with any questions you may have.   —————————————————-   “Driver training […]